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Drop-In Class
Yin Yoga - $20
Guided Meditation - $15
Meditative Breathwork - $15
Maybe you’re interested in joining the community or even a drop-in class and, you haven’t yet taken the time to do so.
Here’s your chance to join us.
Check out the schedule, sign up for the mailing list if you haven't already and shoot us a message with the class you'd like to attend (at least 5mins before the class starts) and we'll give you the details to join us!
Simple as that.
Happily waiting to meet and share space with you all!
Ways to join in!

The New Fall/Winter
Schedule Is Live!
Yin Yoga is a gentle and mindful practice that targets the connective tissues, such as the ligaments, bones, and even the joints of the body that normally are not exercised very much in a more active style of asana practice.
The long-held, deeply restful postures of Yin Yoga provide a welcome contrast to the more dynamic, Yang-dominated practices that are popular in the modern, Western world.
A remedy to our fast-paced lifestyles, Yin is a practice that encourages people to slow down–immersing in the kind of stillness that can lead to the expansion of consciousness.

Meditation is a practice of aligning the mind, body, and spirit by going deep within to access the power of your belief. Our sessions focus on the power of pranayama breath and/or visualization techniques to clear the mind to achieve a deeply relaxed meditative state.
Whether you are working on releasing past hurts and attachments or strengthening your visualization practice; our sessions can be tailored to any experience level, from first-timers to advanced.
BreathWork is an active meditation technique that uses the breath to purge the body of emotional gunk.
The experience moves stuck energy, breakthrough mental patterns/habits of depression/anxiety/self-doubt/
self-criticism, trauma, and addictions facilitates the release of strong emotions like anger and grief, connects you to your intuition, and creative power, and opens your heart.
It leaves you feeling softer, lighter, and less burdened.
We open the session by digging into whatever you want to shift and let go of and then allow the breath to integrate what you learned and access your inner healer to find your own intuitive revelations and clearing.

journal & Jam
J&J is a customized class where we combine contemplative meditation with the introspective practice of free writing or journaling. During the first half of this class, we sit together in contemplative meditation, and during the second half, we jam out to a playlist catered to the moment we’re sharing while we journal.